So stiff, I must be getting old…


I had an amazing weekend.  Truly.  Friday night was spent full of laughter with some of my favorite ladies.  I went and relaxed on R’s couch while she primped and prepped so we could go out.  The plan was to go Karaoke, but it turned out there was a game on that was pushing back the time for singing and wailing.  🙂  My other friend J and one of her girlfriends met us at the bar and we had a fine time dishing about guys and love and life.  So much laughter, my abs hurt.  🙂  Then I felt a tickle on the back of my neck and turned to discover T had come to hang as well.  Such a surprise! 🙂  It was a lovely reminder of just how blessed I am with the amazing people in my life.

Saturday morning, I woke up, said a quick hello and goodbye to the bro and headed back to R’s for a day of relaxing, watching sci-fi, eating dick’s burgers (famous OLD hamburger joint round here) and more girl chat.  She let me in this weekend.  Shared her story.  The great loves, the losses, the joys and pains.  I, in turn, shared a little more of mine.  Talked about my mini-me and her father.  She understands now why I allowed the ex to adopt the mini-me.  It was the only way to make sure she’d be safe from her father.  And when he allowed it – I jumped at the chance.  Over the years, that man cost me close to $50,000 in legal fees and lawyers, all of it to try and protect her and I.  Heck maybe more.  I hung at her place until later in the evening and then T took me to a park to picnic overlooking the city lights with a pizza.  Other than the mosquitos that were out, the views were stunning. 


Sunday, I helped T in his yard.  Pushed myself pretty hard.  I was NOT going to let my stupid heart get the better of me, had to take a few more breaks, hose myself down at one point with the hose because I was getting massively overheated, oh I’m sure it was quite a sight to see me pushing his lawn mower around swearing at the lawn and the mower equally as I’d get stuck in a divit and have to push with all my might to get it to move forward. hehe.  🙂  I started to get down on myself at one point – frustrated that the mind wants to take on work that my body just can’t necessarily do or keep up with… but I pushed on – the stubborn little aries always wins! 🙂 I felt really good about it when I was done tho, and he enjoyed the company while he was getting the work done.  I don’t think he’s used to it.  His roomie doesn’t seem to enjoy the outdoors or helping in the yard.  We were beyond filthy when we were done for the day and went swimming afterwards to both cool off and clean up a bit.  Then grubbed on a guilty pleasure – Mexican food. 🙂  Let me just say tho, today… I HURT!!  Sooo stiff I an barely move.  Does that mean I’m getting old?  OWWWW!!!!

I had my annual review today.  I was pleasantly surprised by some of the feedback and encouragement I got today.  Earned myself a nice pay increase, plus a decent sized bonus both cash and stock.  If only I wasn’t being garnished.  The tax man already takes a hefty chunk out of it, my garnishment will take more.  I hope to be left with enough to contribute to my vacation, and pay for some lawyer time to deal with the ex.  Would be nice if I could use it for other things as well, but I have a feeling that the cash I get won’t be much after all of that.  Ah well.  C’est la vie. 

I did some watching of video blogs tonight for people who visited st. Thomas.  It is absolutely gorgeous there.  I can’t quite get over the beaches that are soo white and the water is so clear.  The only thing that kind of made me nervous was the amount of crowds I saw.  Granted, I’m going during hurricane season, so maybe there won’t be as many people present.  Fingers crossed.  I’m really starting to get excited.  80 days to go (2 months, 19 days).  Wooo Hooo!!

St_ Thomas

Goodnight neverland.  Much love.  XXO!

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